Competition Dates:

Date Event Judge
29th October Round 1 vs. Alton & Haslemere Leo Rich ARPS
17th January Round 2 vs. S.Dig & Horndean  Barry Day ARPS
26th January Round 3 vs. Havant & Petersfield

Ted Clark ARPS


Print Photographer Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Autumn Violins John Paris 8 7.5 9
Winter In Venice Tony Fisher 8 9 9.5
Ladder Tony Fisher 8.5 9.5 9
The Scholar Tony Fisher 9 9 9
Large Blue, Recently Hatched, Drying Wings Prue Barker 7.5 9.5 8.5
A Dip In The Dunes Prue Barker 8 9 10
New York, New York, Las Vegas Mike Hammersley 7.5 7.5 7.5
American Star Simon Taylor 8 8.5 7.5
Total :  64.5 69.5 69
  2nd 2nd 1st =


Slide Photographer Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Katya At La Grotta Chris Whitty 8 9 6.5
Homing In Ronnie Godfrey 8 9.5 8
Katya In Doorway Chris Whitty 9 9 7
Busy Bee Ronnie Godfrey 8.5 9 7
Autumn Colour Jenny Bray 8 7 6
Dog At Lake Jenny Bray 7.5 8.5 8
Red Tug & Signal Hill, Cape Town Prue Barker 8.5 9.5 8
Purple Edged Copper Prue Barker 8.5 10 8
Total :  66 71.5 58.5
  2nd 2nd 3rd

