Black and White Image review

A Club evening review of the Black and White Workshop
We gathered to review the images taken during the Black and White workshop the week before and to also review the images from the conversion challenge submitted by club members.

Autumnal Colours at Waggoners Wells

Club member Pat Gibson has volunteered to lead a photographic walk around Waggoners Wells on Saturday the 26th October.
Along with Pat, Mike Carrington, Ana Peiró Muñoz, Jeff Kelsey, Paul Baxter, Tony Brown and Mark Rendall spent an enjoyable couple of hours exploring the area and taking pictures. Check out the images below for some of their highlights.

Jazz Club Photography, how hard can this be?

AFFCC club members are often seen taking photographs at Fleet Jazz. The low light levels contrasting with high intensity stage lighting and the jazz musicians performing for the audience whilst we try to be invisible makes it a challenging environment.
Under the careful guidance of Mike Carrington, we wanted to mimic these conditions so that others in the club could try their hand at this kind of photography and so, with the stage set, lights hired and two volunteer members rocking up and admirably playing the role of jazz musicians (live) we spent an enjoyable and informative 2 hrs seeing what it’s really like to shoot in this kind of environment.

October 2024 Photography Exhibition

Our Photography exhibition, which ran from the 17th October – 20th October in the Hart Centre, Fleet was a great success. According to our rough tally we had over 340 people viewing the exhibition, We asked everyone who visited the exhibition to choose their 3 top images. These votes were spread across 78% of the images with the top images from Annukka – surrounded by Heather, and George – Vaping Deer each scoring 23 votes.

Highlights from 2023-24

Highlights from 2022-23

Members Websites

Saraste Photography – Annukka Lautasalo’s wonderful pet and equine photography

Pat Gibson Photography – Pat Gibson

Phooto – Simon Taylor

Alpine Garden Society Diary – Jon Evans

Fitzfoto – Michael Bacon’s multi-genre portfolio

Japan Matsuri 2023 – A collection of images taken by Ana Pieró Muñoz, Michael Bacon and Mike Carrington by arrangement with the organisers of Japan Matsuri 2023, held in Trafalgar Square on 1 October 2023

Please ask if you would like your site featured here.
