Highlights from 2023-24

Still Life Workshop

Steve Barney our former chairman led an enjoyable all-day workshop on Still Life recently.  Here are some of the images we took.

AFFCC attended and took publicity photos at all 5 sessions of the recent Farnham Lions Beerex 2024. All images can be viewed at  https://www.facebook.com/AFCameraClub/photos_albums.

Farnham Beerex Eileen
Farnham Beerex Glasses

Highlights from 2022-23

Members Websites

Saraste Photography – Annukka Lautasalo’s wonderful pet and equine photography

Pat Gibson Photography – Pat Gibson

Phooto – Simon Taylor

Alpine Garden Society Diary – Jon Evans

Fitzfoto – Michael Bacon’s multi-genre portfolio

Dave Wragg FRPS – Dave’s wonderful automotive and landscape photography.

Japan Matsuri 2023 – A collection of images taken by Ana Pieró Muñoz, Michael Bacon and Mike Carrington by arrangement with the organisers of Japan Matsuri 2023, held in Trafalgar Square on 1 October 2023

Please ask if you would like your site featured here.