Aldershot, Farnham and Fleet Camera Club Health and Safety Guidelines

In the interests of Health and Safety Club Members and Visitors are asked to follow these guidelines.

The chairman or their deputy will act as Health and Safety Officer for each meeting. The duties of the Health and Safety Officer include checking that these guidelines are followed.


  1. At the beginning of each meeting, those in attendance should be made aware of the location of emergency exits, of any planned fire alarm tests, and of the assembly point should evacuation be required.
  2. Electrical Safety. All mains equipment belonging to the club is tested for electrical safety on a regular basis. Club members and visitors may bring their own equipment for use in meetings, but they should ensure that such equipment is only used via a Residual Current Device (normally the plug in our large extension lead). This device should be tested before use.
  3. Electrical Cabling. The electrical cabling for computers, projectors and the lightbox constitutes a trip hazard. Whenever possible, these devices should be connected to the power socket at the side of the hall, passing the cables underneath the chairs. When setting up the lightbox in the centre of the hall, the cables should be properly secured to the floor to minimise the chance of accident.
  4. Attendance. All those attending meetings must sign the attendance book before the meeting starts. Anyone who leaves early must sign out in the book.
  5. Fire extinguishers. The hall has 2 fire extinguishers that are serviced annually. One extinguisher is beside the stage and the other in the billiard room which also has a fire blanket. Anyone who decides to use these in the event of a fire should be fully conversant with the operation and use of such equipment. Members with these skills are:
  6. Fire Exits. Access to the fire exits must remain clear at all times. Care must be taken when constructing the print stands not to obstruct these exits.
  7. Evacuation. In the event of a fire all members and visitors should leave the building by the fire exits and go to the assembly point.
    The assembly point is in the car park, adjacent to the scout hut.
  8. Fire Procedure. In the event of a fire, the Health and Safety Officer will assess the situation to determine what can be done safely. Members of the committee who are present will assist the Health and Safety Officer to do the following:
    • direct all members and visitors out of the fire exits in a safe and orderly manner
    • if the fire can be tackled safely, deploy the fire equipment to do so
    • collect the attendance list and take it to the assembly point
    • if it is possible in safety, ensure that the hall, toilets and kitchen are clear of people before leaving the building.
  9. Projector. When setting up the projector in the central aisle, sufficient space must be left beside the projector to allow easy access to the fire exits at the front of the hall.
  10. Climbing. Occasionally there is a need to stand on chairs for example when erecting projection facilities. Common sense should be used and a helping hand should be given to anyone standing on a chair. Tables should not be stood on.
  11. Print stands. Care should be taken when erecting or dismantling these to avoid injuring others with the ends of the sticks.
  12. Chair Rack Chairs must be stacked correctly on the rack (seats facing inwards !), to prevent them causing injury to other hall users.
  13. Outside Lighting. If any of the exterior lights are observed not to be working when exiting the building, the Health and Safety Officer should be informed.
  14. First aid. There is a first aid kit on the window sill in the kitchen. The qualified first aiders in the club are:
    June Milner
    Sue Hammill
    Bonnie Hampton
  15. Emergency Services.  If it is necessary to call emergency services, the address of the hall is:
    Village Hall
    Wings Road
    Upper Hale
    Surrey GU9 0HN (use GU9 OHL for satnav)
    The hall Letting Officer is Mrs Lorraine Martin (tel.01252-722848).
