Aldershot, Farnham and Fleet Camera Club Constitution and Rules

(Revised at AGM, 19 June 2024)

1. Name
The club shall be called the “Aldershot, Farnham & Fleet Camera Club”.

2. Mission Statement
The club shall promote and encourage the appreciation and production of still photographs as a form of artistic technical achievement.

3. Activities
3.1 The mission of the club shall be achieved by activities such as talks, discussions, demonstrations, practical sessions, exhibitions, visits, outings, and competitions both between members and with other clubs.
3.2. All methods of producing still photographs may be included in the activities, such as via negatives, transparencies and digital processing.

4. Membership
4.1. Membership of the club shall be open to all members of the public, who are interested in photography as a leisure activity. Applications for membership may be made to a committee member (preferably the Treasurer) at a club meeting, by filling in a membership form and tendering the appropriate subscription. Membership acceptance is at the discretion of the committee.
4.2. Membership of the club shall entitle the holder to attend all general activities of the club.
4.3. The club is happy to accept junior members. However, all members under 18 must be accompanied to all club meetings and events by a responsible adult.
4.4. Members are entitled to admit guests for occasional events at the discretion of the committee.
4.5. A member who is in arrears with his/her subscription is not entitled to attend any club meeting or activity.
4.6. A member may be expelled from, or asked to resign from the club at the discretion of the committee.
4.7. Honorary members, including a President, may be elected at any Annual General Meeting. These may be revised at any subsequent AGM.

5. Subscriptions
5.1. The subscription shall be set at the AGM.
The club year runs from 1st September to the following 31st August so subscriptions become due on the 1st September. Anyone who joins partway through a subscription year, pays a proportionate fee based on thirds (2/3 after Christmas, 1/3 after Easter).
5.3. A husband & wife couple will only be asked to pay a subscription of one and a half times the normal subscription. Other cohabiting couples may be treated similarly, in accordance with current legislation or at the discretion of the committee.

6. Management
6.1. The Officers of the club shall be a Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
6.2. The business of the club shall be managed by a general committee consisting of the Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretary and other committee members as required. The committee will be elected at the AGM.
6.3. All committee members shall be eligible for re-election at each AGM. The expected maximum term for the chairman is three consecutive years.
6.4. If a committee member becomes unavailable part-way through the club year, a substitute may be co-opted by the committee. Members may also be co-opted onto the committee for specific stated purposes.
6.5. Committee meetings will take place as and when required.
6.6. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the committee. It may also be called following a request by members, in writing, to the Club Secretary and signed by 25% of members, clearly stating the object of the meeting, and allowing reasonable time for the meeting to be arranged.
6.7. A quorum for a General Meeting will be 6 members or half of the membership, whichever is the least.
6.8. A quorum for a committee meeting will be four of the committee members.
6.9. The Hon Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings.

7. Voting
7.1. Voting will be by simple majority of those present and voting, except that a two thirds majority is required to wind up the club or to change the “Constitution and Rules” (this document).
7.2. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has a casting vote.
7.3. If requested by any two members, voting may be by ballot.

8. Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held in June, and will include the following business:
8.1. The Treasurer will present a Balance Sheet for the past year, audited by at least one other member.
8.2. The subscription rate for the following year will be determined.
8.3. Reports will be made by committee members.
8.4. Officers and other committee members will be elected for the forthcoming year.

9. Finance
9.1. No member shall make private profit from club activities.
9.2. No officer or other member of the club shall receive payment, directly or indirectly, for his/her services. However, all members can claim costs incurred on behalf of the club and approved by the committee.
9.3. Funds shall be invested in banks and/or building societies in the name of Aldershot, Farnham & Fleet Camera Club. All cheques drawn on these accounts must be signed by the Treasurer and either the Chairman or Hon Secretary, except if the Treasurer is not reasonably available, the signatures of Chairman and Hon Secretary will suffice.
9.4. Any financial surpluses shall be used for club activities and equipment and for reserves to secure continuation of the club.

10. Competitions
Competitions will be conducted under separate rules, to be formulated and revised from time to time, and agreed, by simple majority, at a General Meeting prior to introduction.

11. Winding Up
In the event that the club is wound up, its assets will be transferred to some other body having similar objectives to those of the club, or to a registered charity.

12. Amendments to the “Constitution and Rules”
Revisions and amendments to the “Constitution and Rules” (this document) can only be made by a two thirds majority vote at a General Meeting.