2022 Print Round 4 by Jon Evans | Sep 13, 2022 | Competition 2022 Print R4 Ref Photographer Img Title Score Class 7214 David Millard View from the Eye 7.5 7223 David Millard Low sun late afternoon 8 7233 David Millard Going down 7.5 7158 George Turnbull Stretched limo 10 7224 George Turnbull Having Fun 8 7234 George Turnbull Seeing is believing 9 7215 Jon Evans Under a Gunnera 8 7225 Jon Evans Parasol 8.5 7235 Jon Evans Behind the Glasshouse 10 7216 Keith Newton Breezing around Aldershot 7 7226 Keith Newton Spinnaker Tower in Negative Perspective 9 7236 Keith Newton The Lifting Bridge at North Wandborough 8 7217 Michael Bacon Long way down 10 7227 Michael Bacon L F D 8 7237 Michael Bacon Down and up 9 7218 Micheal Carrington From behind the Hellibore 8 7228 Micheal Carrington Helter Screwter 9.5 7238 Micheal Carrington Shadow party 10 7219 Neil McIntyre Bone shaker 10 7229 Neil McIntyre Ready steady GO 10 7239 Neil McIntyre Through the decking 7 7220 Paul Mannering Different travel perspective 8.5 7230 Paul Mannering Munch ice cream 9 7240 Paul Mannering Dry side 9.5 7221 Robert Wilkinson Reflections 9 7231 Robert Wilkinson Lift off 8.5 7241 Robert Wilkinson Through the crystal ball 8.5 7167 Tony Brown Getting Ready to Race 7.5 7222 Tony Brown Where Skyscrapers Meet 7.5 7232 Tony Brown Clock tail 7.5