2021 Print Round 2 by Jon Evans | Sep 13, 2022 | Competition 2021 Print R2 Ref Photographer Img Title Score Class 6688 Alan Eggleton Andy 8 6708 Alan Eggleton Lillian 10 6727 Alan Eggleton Jasmin 8.5 6183 Andy Parker The Stone Pile Builder 7.5 6689 Andy Parker Jane 7.5 6728 Andy Parker Our Man In Lisbon 8.5 6470 David Millard John 7 6709 David Millard All I want for Christmas 8.5 6729 David Millard Maisie 10 5865 George Turnbull Age of Innocence 10 6690 George Turnbull Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed 7.5 6730 George Turnbull Casual Pose 8.5 6691 Graham Chisnall The Three Wise Monkeys 7.5 6710 Graham Chisnall Proud 8.5 6731 Graham Chisnall Poppy and Lavender 9.5 6692 Ian Newman Mummy_s Boy 8.5 6711 Ian Newman My body is my canvas 8.5 6732 Ian Newman Kami 9 6693 Jeff Kelsey Tom Chilton-Thruxton-2017 10 6712 Jeff Kelsey The footplate men 8.5 6733 Jeff Kelsey Guilty look 8.5 6694 John McComb The Brewer 7.5 6713 John McComb Ben 7 6734 John McComb The Staff 7 6695 Keith Newton Laid Back 9 6714 Keith Newton Madam Ringmaster 7 6735 Keith Newton Rastafarian_ Robert Bruce 8.5 6696 Michael Bacon Ash blonde 9 6715 Michael Bacon Cheeky 9.5 6736 Michael Bacon I think I made you up inside my head 8 6697 Micheal Carrington It could be better 8 6716 Micheal Carrington Hallie 8.5 6737 Micheal Carrington Relaxing 7.5 6698 Neil McIntyre Bliss 8.5 6717 Neil McIntyre Frost 6 6738 Neil McIntyre Chestnut 7.5 6699 Patricia Gibson Grand Jete 7 6718 Patricia Gibson Solar Boats for Sale 8.5 6739 Patricia Gibson All Laced Up 10 6700 Paul Baxter Lizzie Bayliss Coif 9 6719 Paul Baxter Jo Paul 7.5 6740 Paul Baxter Tinkabella 8 6701 Paul Mannering Helen 8.5 6720 Paul Mannering Effin Vicki 7.5 6741 Paul Mannering Dom n ink 9 6702 Robert Rowley The Rastafarian 7.5 6721 Robert Rowley Evie 9.5 6742 Robert Rowley Heidi 9.5 6703 Robert Wilkinson Helen 7.5 6722 Robert Wilkinson Woodland Recline 7.5 6743 Robert Wilkinson Pre Raphaelite Pose 8 6704 Robin Taylor-Hunt Hazel 7 6723 Robin Taylor-Hunt Happy Hazel 8.5 6744 Robin Taylor-Hunt Self portrait 7.5 6705 Russ Khan Derek 8.5 6724 Russ Khan Cheeky Smile 10 6745 Russ Khan The Fisherman 7.5 6706 Stephen Barney Annalise 9 6725 Stephen Barney April 9 6746 Stephen Barney Nyalisa 7.5 6707 Tony Brown Old Friends 7.5 6726 Tony Brown Forty Winks 7 6747 Tony Brown Happy at Work 8.5