2016 Print Round 3 by Jon Evans | Sep 16, 2022 | Competition Class “B” indicates “Beginner” 2016 Print Round 3 Ref Photographer Img Title Score CL P1958 Christine Findlay Boat on a Beach 7.5 B P1959 Christine Findlay A Lonely Flower 8 B P1960 Christine Findlay Coot 7.5 B P1966 Micheal Carrington An Audience of One 9.5 B P1967 Micheal Carrington Violin Practice 9 B P1968 Micheal Carrington Bilver Birch Clearance 9 B P1955 Paul Armstrong Cuban Car 10 B P1956 Paul Armstrong Silver Bullet 8.5 B P1957 Paul Armstrong Driftwood 8 B P1946 Paul Mannering Temple Jewellery 8 B P1947 Paul Mannering Cockerel 8.5 B P1948 Paul Mannering The Nutcracker 8 B P1961 Russ Khan Basingstoke Canal by Ash Ranges 8 B P1962 Russ Khan Conjoined Swans Perhaps 7 B P1963 Russ Khan Sunset over Stokes Bay 7 B P1969 Shaun Todman No post today we're Beeesy 8 B P1970 Shaun Todman Garden snails copping a feel 9 B P1971 Shaun Todman Autumn reflection in Nower Wood 9 B P1240 Tony Watson Fox Frames by Gorse 10 B P1888 Vanessa Ingram Under the Arch 8.5 B P1964 Vanessa Ingram Rose 7.5 B P1965 Vanessa Ingram A Little Light Reading 10 B P1952 William Robertson Serene Dawn 9 B P1953 William Robertson A3 9.5 B P1954 William Robertson Skid Stop 8.5 B P1979 Andrew Fletcher Bonfire Night Priorities 10 P1980 Andrew Fletcher Peering 10 P1981 Andrew Fletcher Chasing the Waves 9.5 P1982 Chris Whitty Enjoying the Ride 8 P1983 Chris Whitty Beach Silhouttes 7 P1984 Chris Whitty Poppy in Wheat 7.5 P1856 Don Hart Fells Over Crummock Water 10 P1858 Don Hart I've seen the Light 8.5 P1928 Don Hart Stranger in the Night 8.5 P1852 Jon Evans Beware of the Flowers 8.5 P1906 Jon Evans Leaves 8.5 P1877 Jon Evans Agave 7.5 P1925 June Milner Pause for Reflection 8.5 P1972 June Milner Paddling 8 P1973 June Milner Under the Pier 8.5 P1949 Ken Newberry Morning on Lochness 6.5 P1950 Ken Newberry Swing Bridge on the Caledonian Canal 8 P1951 Ken Newberry Reflections on Lochness 7 P1974 Mark Grey Madman 9 P1975 Mark Grey Wintermind 9 P1976 Mark Grey Cheeky Cowl 10 P1835 Pat Gibson New Kids on the Block 8.5 P1878 Pat Gibson A Regiment of Chairs 8.5 P1910 Pat Gibson Last Light of the Day 8.5 P1989 Stephen Barney Velum Tenebris Atria 8 P1990 Stephen Barney Lock up your Daughters 9 P1991 Stephen Barney The Simplist Machine 7 P1839 Tom Rowles Smile Please 7.5 P1977 Tom Rowles A Splash of Colour 8.5 P1978 Tom Rowles Barcelona 1992 Olympic Complex 8 P1778 Tony Watson Into the hole 9 P1909 Tony Watson Twenty Past Three 10 P1808 Vassilis Korkas Strangers in the Night 10 P1809 Vassilis Korkas Are you looking at me 9 P1988 Vassilis Korkas Fading Lights 8.5