2010 Print Round 4 by Jon Evans | Oct 8, 2022 | Competition Class “B” indicates “Beginner” 2010 Print Round 4 Ref Photographer Img Title Score CL P0875 Alan Eggleton Walk over the bridge 7 P0876 Alan Eggleton Hollyhock 8 P0911 Alan Eggleton Gerbera 8 P0941 Chris Stock Natures Ballerina's 8 P0942 Chris Stock Eagle Owl 8 P0943 Chris Stock Coming Ashore 7 P0933 David Fisher Marigold 8.8 P0934 David Fisher Pink Snap 8.5 P0935 David Fisher Autumn Splendour 10 P0912 John Mitchell Serious business 8.5 P0913 John Mitchell Routefinder 7 P0914 John Mitchell Tightfit 8 P0944 John Paris Waterscene at Godalming 8 P0945 John Paris Monets Waterlilly pond ay Giverny 7 P0946 John Paris Swimming pool & and Beach at La-Touquet 7 P0881 Jon Evans Alice & the Catapillar 10 P0882 Jon Evans Taffeta & Gold 9 P0915 Jon Evans Japanese Wood Poppy 8 P0940 Michael Knight Show off! 9 P0773 Michelle Harrison Young Cornish Robin 10 P0936 Michelle Harrison Watercress Line Tank Engine 7 P0947 Michelle Harrison QEII In The Solent 7.5 P0919 Pat Gibson What's down there? 7 P0920 Pat Gibson Wrecked 7 P0921 Pat Gibson Cliff Lift 9.5 P0937 Paul Baxter Water Dancer 8.5 P0938 Paul Baxter Forgotten 7.5 P0939 Paul Baxter No way! 7.5 P0867 Prue Barker Roadside Display - Sri Lanka 7 P0885 Prue Barker Tuk-Tuk's at rest 6 P0886 Prue Barker Paddlers 8 P0922 Rex Sellars Paris Reflections 8 P0923 Rex Sellars Roof Tops 9 P0924 Rex Sellars Spitfire landing at Shoreham 8 P0894 Robin Stovold Eyes Right 7.5 P0925 Robin Stovold In thought 8 P0926 Robin Stovold Mostaq church ceiling 7 P0896 Roy Arnett Reflections 7 P0897 Roy Arnett All the Heads, all in the towns, you choose mine 8 P0898 Roy Arnett Summer Evening 8.5 P0927 Sally Protheroe Allium P0928 Sally Protheroe Golden Eagle P0823 Simon Taylor Furniture Store 7.5 P0902 Simon Taylor Reds 8.5 P0777 Simon Taylor Alfie Warhol 7.5 P0929 Tom Rowles A stroll in the rain 10 P0930 Tom Rowles Ecstatic 10 P0931 Tom Rowles Flying high 10 P0466 Tony Fisher Men of Influence. 8.5 P0907 Tony Fisher In the Algarve Mountains 7 P0932 Tony Fisher Dillon 9